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7 podcasts for HR professionals
Well-grounded discussion between HR professionals.
How to make mentoring a powerful force for good
Often the best relationships were forged between wise young professionals who approached their mentors with openness and mentors who had perhaps reached a career plateau and for whom traditional career progression was no longer likely.
How to make sure feedback is balanced
Seeing our own issues in the lives of others is a way of avoiding the anxiety involved in dealing with them directly. The process is known as projection in psychodynamic literature.
Supporting HR teams to cope with change
Reflective practitioner was a concept introduced by Schon (1983) who recognized that the ability to reflect on how work was being done was as important as doing the work itself.
The real importance of ‘one to ones’
Connection with others on a regular basis enables a more sophisticated part of the human brain, the social brain, to be involved in work and problem solving.