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7 podcasts for HR professionals
Well-grounded discussion between HR professionals.
When co-operation seems impossible
‘Use of self’ is a term used in counseling and coaching to explain this kind of intervention. It can be described as an illusive feeling or undefined thought which can sometimes have quite a physical manifestation and this leads to the identification of a truth which otherwise may have remained unidentified.
How to make good endings
The process allows all stakeholders some form of closure and facilitates moving on to new projects, teams or organizations with less ‘baggage’ than if no recognition or sharing occurred.
What to do when they doubt your coaching competence
People often ask the most important questions or make the observations which are most important to them as they are leaving the room.
How to make sure feedback is balanced
Seeing our own issues in the lives of others is a way of avoiding the anxiety involved in dealing with them directly. The process is known as projection in psychodynamic literature.
The importance of understanding stages of change
Prochaska’s model of change can be very useful to understand people’s readiness to make significant changes in their lives.